Live quests are not held in Thailand temporarily. We are looking for a new partner

Apparently, you came from distant countries. Do you want to open a Questoria franchise abroad? Conditions.

Corporate in Thailand.

Questoria for corporate in Thailand

Leave a request for a callback
Smart-corporate from Questoria -
a fresh format, the result of the joint work of HRs, eventers and movie scriptwriters.
For employees — An addictive & nbsp; immersive game built on communication and achieving goals.
For  — a turnkey event that will improve teamwork.
Corporate in Thailand.
Colleagues will forget their usual roles and will be able to fool around
Corporate in Thailand.
They will be not just spectators, but players, they will feel themselves in a team
Corporate in Thailand.
Jokes and roles will become the mythology of company for for years
Corporate in Thailand.
And who was thinking of quitting — change his mind and stay
10 yearsexperience in event
3765corporate events held
33detailed scenarios
1898 kgentourage designer props

What to expect at the Questoria team building activities in Thailand?

Everyone from team becomes a hero of a detective, western, spy or mystical thriller in each game. Everyone has their own goals and ways of achieving them. And the story’s ending depends on your actions.

Game stages of the quest


What Is a Questoria?

Questoria is like a movie. For example, guests will become gangsters in the «Bets Are Placed» Questoria, they can turn into a pirate team in «Flint’s Last Will», or they can have fun fooling around in the «Psycho» game. And if in a film everything is pretty much clear from the start, here, the outcome depends on you.

How does the Game Start?

The Host distributes the roles according to players’ wishes and hands out the props. For instance, you can put on pirate jackets in «Flint’s Last Will», or dress in the classical gangster style in «Bets Are Placed», and one of your colleagues will have to wear a real straitjacket in «Psycho». Each character has their own goals: supplant the crime boss, find Flint’s treasures or... establish a new order in the madhouse:)

What Is the Plan?

Achieve all the goals. Whatever it takes. Communicate with other players, flirt and scheme, use logic and intuition, a kind word or a gun. Your co-worker offers to talk privately: will he offer an alliance or lure you into a trap? The crime boss pronounces a toast. But what if the wine is poisoned? For the first 15 minutes «nothing is clear,» but after half an hour you will expose criminals, make profitable transactions, and weave plots behind people’s backs.

What Is the Outcome?

The game outcome depends on the players’ actions. Can you defeat the rival clan? Is your boss capable of betrayal in a push for power? Will you be able to seize the world before the chief doctor’s return? Many will turn out to be not who they seem. A good mood, holiday feeling, and ongoing jokes in the office are guaranteed for a year to come!

Choose a game for team building activities and we’ll come to your office, cafe or underground headquarters :)

Quest in reality «Somewhere in the Wild West» from Questoria

Somewhere in the Wild West

9 - 19
2-3 h.
Individual or team roles and goals depending on the plot, total immersion and maximum emotion

An audacious train hold-up by Black Bill’s gang,
a shocking murder of a famous singer in the «Seven Moons» saloon,
and a miraculous panacea invention —
do you think it’s too much for one small town?

Be ready for a real thrill, if you are...
Somewhere in the Wild West!

Learn more
Quest in reality «The Séance» from Questoria

The Séance

7 - 10
1-2 h.
Seated Questoria
Individual roles, but with a common goal. It is a good option when you want all players to solve one problem together. There are no secret talks here, unlike in other questories, and the whole story is played at one common table.

London, 1872..
Lord Cornwall, co-owner of the East India Company, was killed.
Three suspects were arrested. But there’s not enough evidences.
Scotland Yard turns to a medium for aid.
Relatives of the killed gathered in a Séance…
Mysticism or logic? Deception or truth?
Shush! Light the candles. Join hands.
Candle flame is flickering. The spirit of the lord is here…

Learn more

Are Questories good for you?

There’s no point in claiming that Questories are fun for everyone. But from our experience, companies who work in these fields will enjoy Questories:

More than 3800 Questories have been hosted at corporate team buildings in 45 cities across the world. Excited teammates keep sending us warm messages.

These companies play with us

5 reasons to book

a live quest for your corporate events in Thailand

Cost of hosting a quest for a corporate event in Thailand
Up to 20 people — fixed, >20 — calculated separately. May change for certain scenarios and on New Year’s Eve.
Even if you haven’t found a suitable option, leave a request. We will help you choose a personal set of services.
Additional options
Children are hard to catch on camera — they don’t sit still for a minute! :) But our photographer is familiar with the plot and knows when to catch the perfect shot. They will capture interesting moments and bright emotions. You will enjoy looking through the photos and warmly remembering the holiday.
Photos are great, but it’s even better to capture movement, intense emotions, conversations, and shared joy!
Everything you need to recharge and refuel. We’ll organize catering based on your preferences.
Disco, DJ with equipment
Dancing, DJ, paper or foam party — a great way to finish the celebration!
Mafia, «What? Where? When?» board games
Board games, master classes, and contests after the quest.
Holiday decoration of the venue
We will decorate the venue in the style of the script, adding atmosphere and ambiance. It will feel like you’re in a magical school, on a mysterious island, or in an old haunted house!
Special effects
Fireworks, smoke machine, life-size puppets, laser show — we’ll make the celebration unforgettable.
Help me choose

Send your request in Thailand



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Мы свяжемся с вами в течение 24-х часов, чтобы уточнить детали.


How to Reach You

A callback request is taken

Our manager in Thailand will contact you within 24 hours.

Thank you for your interest in live quests!

Join our Facebook group!
Book a place on the game

Someone else coming with you?

To send you a confirmation and remind about the game

To follow up before the game

Extra details such as existing gift certificates or discounts

Let us know in advance, if you can’t show up

Leave your contacts, and we will offer you a convenient option

Thank you for your request!

Check your mailbox in 15 minutes, you should get a confirmation.

The host will contact you within 24 hours to clarify the details.

Questoria in Thailand is temporarily closed. We are looking for a new partner

Notify when Questoria re-opens in Thailand

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I want to play in another city

Select a city
Read the terms

Send your request in Thailand



write your questions in this field

Спасибо за заявку!

Через 10 минут проверьте ваш почтовый ящик, вам должно прийти подтверждение.

Мы свяжемся с вами в течение 24-х часов, чтобы уточнить детали.

Is your city Thailand?
We play questories in 67 cities worldwide
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Consent to the processing of personal data
Hereby, I give to Questoria LLC. (PSRN 1097847328480, TIN 7801507148, address: 35 Korablestroiteley street, apt. 389, St. Petersburg, 199397, Russia including its employees and persons acting based on the civil law contract with it / persons authorized by it, my consent to the processing of my personal data, namely: last name, all given names and patronymic, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth , and host city, for the purpose of individual communication with me on issues related to:
— my participation in the story role game «Questoria»;
— consulting me in connection with the possible conclusion of an agreement with Questoria LLC, the subsequent conclusion of the contract and its administration;
— the quality control of the services provided by the employees of Questoria LLC and its counterparties;
— sending me information mail by Questoria LLC, containing information about new services, company news, marketing offers, and other information for clients of Questoria LLC.

I give permission to carry out all actions with my personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, processing for inclusion in lists and electronic databases, not using any automated means and using any automated means.
Questoria LLC can process my personal data within ten years from the date of their receipt.
I am aware that the consent to process my personal data may be withdrawn at any time based on a written application prepared in any format, which must be sent to Questoria LLC by registered mail with recorded delivery. In this case, my personal data will be deleted within three working days from the date of receipt of my application by Questoria LLC.
If you want to refuse receiving mails from our regular mailing list, you can do this at any time visiting a special link located at the end of each letter.
To contact the site administrator for any questions, you can write an e-mail to: